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Cover story
Issue highlights
Uniforms by Apple, Apple and a senior outfit the UCLA band; Blind Pathfinder in Alaska, Louise Rude holds a /ob usually reserved for the sighted, and an Apple can help; The All-American Apple Music Machine, An in-depth look at Apple as a synthesizer, and reviews of three music systems that make it one; Numbers Making Music, no hardware is required for this music program that is actually a complete language; Apples' Adventures in Utopia, Rock stars Todd Rundgren and Roger Powell talk about their Apples - one for art and one for music; Exec Mountain - Theirs is a Hard — and Now Soft — Life, Mountain Hardware becomes Mountain Computer and expands into software; The Ivory Keyboard: A Direct Line to Apple Music - A close look at the AlphaSyntauri keyboard music input for the Apple; plus the usual columns, departments, and Bestseller lists.
Softalk archive on CD or DVD
Would it be possible either during or after all issues are scanned that one could purchase the
"Softalk library" on CDs or DVDs from your organization for a small fee?? The fee could be used
to "fund" further projects down the road... What do you think??
Yes... but it will mostly be unnecessary
Hi SL,
Our current plan is to do a Kickstarter project to fund the bulk scan and on-line archive where all 48 issues of Softalk will be free for on-line, page-by-page access as well as by downloadable full-issue PDFs in both small-file size for eReading and larger-file high-resolution format for printing.
A very readable PDF of a typical issue should be easily downloadable with even a modest Internet connection. That said, I imagine we will offer a DVD at some point once we have the critical mass of everything done and are able to create such a full-publication disk. In the meantime, we will be publishing each issue on-line as it is done once the Kickstarter project is going.
Keep an eye out here and on the Softalk Forever!!! Facebook group page for updates.
Project Director