April 1984

V4.08 Softalk Magazine cover, April 1984





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Cover story

The Labors of Apple: Monitoring Babies Before Birth

Issue highlights

Debut: Softly Comment. Exec Quality Software: At Home in Apple Manor. The Most Popular Software of 1983 and All-Time. Born To Compute: Apples Monitor Perinatal Babes. Picking Up the Tab. Storytalk: Sherlock Holmes and the Analytical Engine. Micros Burn Rubber, or, Hot Rod Apples in Hell. Backtalk: EduWare under a Peachtree; The Computerman of Folsom Goes Free. Newspeak. Plus the usual Features and Departments including multi-category Bestseller lists.

Hide Cover, Contents and sample pages
These sample JPG images are in the 1-2 MB size-wise and reasonably high resoultion at 2,544 x 3,297 pixels with some quality compression. These are half the resolution of the project's source/reference images scanned to TIF format at 600 dpi (5,100 x 6,600 pixels).
V4.08 Softalk Magazine cover, April 1984
V4.08 Softalk Magazine contents 1, April 1984
V4.08 Softalk Magazine contents 2, April 1984
V4.08 Softalk Magazine page 218, April 1984
V4.08 Softalk Magazine page 154, April 1984
V4.08 Softalk Magazine page 155, April 1984
V4.08 Softalk Magazine page 156, April 1984
V4.08 Softalk Magazine page 157, April 1984