In Search of... 5 missing Issues (Update: NO missing issues!)


UPDATE: Here is more on John Gruver donates of three missing issues... UPDATE 2: And a Big Thank-You to Bob Murphy for the loan of his November 1980 issue (V.1.03) for scanning which is now on-line. UPDATE 3: Thanks to Steven Brosch's donation, The Softalk Apple Project source document collection is complete!

Please help us locate and acquire (or borrow for scanning) these five 2 missing issues:

We can pursue this over on the Softalk Forever!!! Facebook page. If you prefer, simply use our Contact form to start a conversation.)

Now that we have all 48 issues in hand, we're very happy to tell you that the 48 issues of Softalk magazine contain 9,304 pages.

We look forward, with pleasure, at being able to update this article with our progress on filling these five no remaining holes in our collection! :-)